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Journal Entry About Fiction and The Catholic Writer

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Journal Entry About Fiction and The Catholic Writer

Creativity is not rational, and a Catholic writer can be just as creative as a non-Catholic writer. Flannery O'Conner, one of the most prominent American Writers of the twentieth century, was Catholic. She explored themes like faith, grace, and the transcendental in her short stories, which were grotesque, and on a surface level not Catholic. Catholic Writers like Flannery O'Conner were creative however because they embraced the irrational. They chose to explore themes and questions found in Catholicism and found unique ways to explore them. Any writer can be creative by breaking away from dogma, so when I learned that some of the most prominent fiction writers argued that Catholic writer's creativity is limited by their faith, I believed their argument was based on their own preconceived notions of what can and can't be.

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