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Journal Entry About Taking Care of Nutrition

One of the biggest difficulties when running as a Division One Athlete is taking care of your nutrition, sleep, and hydration alongside going to school. Some days are more difficult than others, and I found it hard to stay focused in my other responsivities when I neglect one of these facets of health. I burn more than two thousand calories on hard days just in running and around four thousand in total. I have to avoid being in a calorie deficit because it poses a problem to my class performance. It has been difficult to do this. I want to be the best performer I can possibly be.

Time management is something that I have been working on. I pack my lunches, set alarms to remind me when to sleep, and carry a large water bottle around to stay hydrated. When taking care of the little things, the big things become less daunting.

Confessions of a Student Athlete

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